Deep Run Church is a faith community established in 2014 by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), composed of both longtime Westminster & Carroll County residents and recent newcomers. We are committed to cultivating a Christ-centered, Gospel-based influence in Westminster and the Carroll County vicinity. As the Bible invites us, we welcome others to receive the “living water” – eternal life through God’s eternal truth and love, found in Jesus Christ.
The Presbyterian Church in America is our denomination, a relatively young denomination, but with historic and ancient roots. Founded in 1973 to be “faithful to the Scriptures, true to the reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission,” the PCA emphasizes biblical Christianity – believing in and following the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the teachings of his apostles. The PCA promotes the ancient theology of the early church and the doctrines of the Protestant Reformation. By God’s mercy we are a church of forgiven sinners. We are not perfect. Our history weaves a story of blessings and tragedies, healing and brokenness, beauty and ugliness, as the Gospel of Christ transforms us and brings together a diverse group of people.
The Westminster Confession of Faith (the Westminster in England) best articulates our beliefs, and in great detail. Along with its Larger & Shorter Catechisms, it is our official “statement of faith.” You can read these historic documents here.