Sundays at 10:30am at Carroll Lutheran School / Office 443.487.8511

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The Depths of Sin, the Depths of Salvation - Psalm 53

August 28, 2022 Speaker: Brian LoPiccolo Series: Meditations on Psalms

Passage: Psalm 53:1–6

Humanity’s corruption is deep, but God’s salvation is deeper. Original Sin is a very unpopular idea in our society. But as we discover the way this internal corruption operates and progresses in the human heart, we will come to confess that this Psalm's words are painfully, but needfully, true. And then, only then, will we humble ourselves before a righteous and just Creator to ask for, plead for, even long for his help. The Gospel declares that his help has come! O the depths of the love of Christ!

More in Meditations on Psalms

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Praising a God Who Undermines Evil - Psalm 64

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The Love That Nourishes - Psalm 63

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The Soul that Waits in Silence - Psalm 62