Sundays at 10:30am at Carroll Lutheran School / Office 443.487.8511

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What To Expect On Sundays

916D57C4-CB04-47C7-9355-59A4F57EBE13_1_201_aOur Sunday worship gatherings at 10:30am unite different types of people who worship a personal God who never changes and brings us together, no matter what our backgrounds, to celebrate His truth and love. So come as you are, no matter how you feel or look. All are welcome to discover, grow, heal, connect, and serve.  

If you are coming with children, they are welcome also! We offer a Nursery for ages 0-3, Junior Sunday School for ages 4-6, and Sunday School for 2nd-5th graders - all during the worship service. The children will start in worship with you at 10:30, then we'll invite them out to one of these three classrooms. Our volunteer teachers, helpers and care-givers are background-checked and leadership-approved. 

For youth going into grades 6-9, join Deep Runners on Sunday mornings at 9:15am before the worship gathering.  This group is led by adults who know Jesus and want to help your adolescents get to know Jesus better.