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Last Will & Testament Part 1: Believe - John 14:1-31

April 10, 2022 Speaker: Brian LoPiccolo Series: Gospel of John

Passage: John 14:1–31

Christian faith believes in Jesus as the only way to God. Jesus is about to depart and pursue the looming cross; but first he says a few parting things to his disciples, as sort of a “last will and testament” to them; first he says, “Believe.” Today, a world of opportunities, preferences, and "truths" abound before our eyes. But are any of them capable of providing for us a way to God—because they are true and able to give us true life? Because the world is decaying, and because humanity is so depraved, and because our death is approaching, what-we-believe actually matters more than anything. Jesus was so direct in the exclusivity of who he was and what he offered. Will we take him seriously?